Welcome to

Trinity Healing and Empowerment

Let’s begin your healing and empowerment journey today. It all begins with you and what you would like to achieve.

An Introduction

About Trinity Healing and Empowerment

I am very excited to be a part of your Healing and Empowerment Journey. It all begins with you and what you would like to achieve. Whether is purely relief from pain or stress, relaxation, self discovery, releasing the past, Healing the body or Empowering the mind, I am sure I can assist you in some way to make that a reality. This journey can be a process and may have many ups and downs but ultimately it is based on your intentions. Let's begin with setting the intention of Healing and Empowering your Body~Mind~Soul, your Trinity.

Your Guide

About Melissa

I am trained and Certified as a Swedish Massage Therapist, Reiki Master ~Usui, Karuna Ki, Tibetan and Violet Flame, Whole Life Therapist, Ayruvedic Yoga Therapist,  Reflexologist, Hot Stone Therapist, Reconnective Healing/The Reconnection Practitioner, Access The Bars and Body Processes Practitioner, Thai Yoga Massage Therapist, Angel Empowerment Practitioner, Past Life Regression Therapist, Yoga Instructor in Raja, Ashtanga, Yin and Restorative, and have taken additional courses in Energy Healing, Mediumship and Channeling,  Rainbow Therapy and Body Wraps and Body Scrub Treatments.

Registered with Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association (NHPC) you should be able to claim most of the treatments offered with your benefit plan. Either through the Massage Therapist benefits, mostly AB benefit plans, or with your General Health and or Spa Relaxation benefit spending accounts.

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How We Can Help

THE Benefits

  • Pain relief, Increased range of motion, relief of muscular tension and relaxation.
  • Stress relief, recognize and release anger, anxiety or fears.
  • Detoxification and balancing of bodily systems.
  • Increases manifestation/creation abilities and clarity.
  • Confidence and courage to move forward fearlessly.
  • Acknowledging and releasing the past and all that no longer serves you.
  • Awakening the light within and connecting to your true and Divine nature.
  • Clearing the channel between the ego and your higher self.
  • Healing and Empowering all aspects of yourself.
What People are Saying


I am so grateful and thankful to know Melissa and be one of her clients for over 4 years now. Melissa has assisted me with my journey and kept me grounded. She offers her healing, intuition, knowledge and teachings and so much more! After a session with Melissa, I feel "reset", relaxed and excited...to be the best me; set my intentions; manifest my desires; be truly happy!  What an amazing gift she has.....and is! 


I have been a client of Melissa's since she started practicing many years ago. She is very professional and constantly seeking new classes to enrich our body and mind. Her facility is beautiful and located in a peaceful setting. I've recommended her to my friends and family, who are now all regular customers - even out-of- town family set an appointment when they come to visit. I wish her continued success!


I am so grateful for the session that I just received from Melissa. I've been struggling with fatigue and trying everything (supplements, exercise, diet changes) and still not seeing much of an improvement in my health. Melissa truly has a gift and it has given me an amazing fresh start by clearing out all that negative energy. Thank you Melissa!


Our Offerings

THE Sessions

THE Sessions are designed to Heal and Empower your Trinity, Body~Mind~Soul,  by bringing you to a higher vibrational plane. With the integration of multiple modalities and treatments THE Session will bring great benefits while giving you the tools to take home.

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